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Red Sole heels

If you are familiar with the term ‘Redfoot', then you are either a fan of the film The Usual Suspects, a tortoise expert (who specialises in the red-footed tortoise) or a female who has discovered the greatest christian louboutin shoes ever that have caused a buzz amongst the glamorous celebrity ranks! This is an article on the fabulous latter option.Redfoot Folding christian louboutin shoes – as the name suggests – are christian louboutin shoes that fold. They simply fold in half so you can Red Sole heels easily fit them into your handbag then pop the stylish christian louboutin shoes out after a hard day of work at the office or party for a comfy walk home. Genius!The Celebrities are going mad for the latest redfoot craze which includes Kate Moss, Katy Perry, JK Rowling, Sienna Miller, Natasha Bedingfield, Twiggy, Beth Ditto, Nicky Clarke (they do men's versions as well), Caroline Monk, Suzanne Shaw, Sarah Cawood, Kym Ryder, Danielle Lloyd, Kara, Roxanne McKee, Tointon, Ali Bastian, Holly Willoughby, Kim Wilde, Emma Rigby and countless others. Thanks to the way that Redfoot christian louboutin shoes are manufactured your feet will Red Bottoms Shoes not only look good but feel good too, so make these after party christian louboutin shoes a fixture in your handbag. But with "celebrities" clambering to get some, the christian louboutin shoes are actually remarkably cheap – retailing at a mind-boggling cost effective price of between £19 and £24.99 Red Sole Shoes. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol even introduced the collection in September and sold over 1,200 pairs of the ladies' pumps in the first six weeks, putting Redfoot in the top three best-selling shoe brands in the airport stores.Redfoot christian louboutin shoes are a unique fold away design – other brands are now sadly swelling the market with inferior products - but Redfoot shoe soles are hard wearing and gives high protection to your feet. The shoe are so unique with the split sole design that they have a worldwide patent each shoe sole will allow you to neatly fold them away in a tiny bag of their own, making them the ideal shoe to carry in your handbag and always be ready for all occasions.Finally, in a further clever bid to make them even more popular – the brand has introduced the stunning Sex and the City Collection, which (are slightly more expensive and) means you can step into the christian louboutin shoes of your favourite Sex and the City character and pretend you are either Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte or Miranda!Oh and just to clear up any potential confusion - despite the name, they come in a wide variety of colours – not just red!


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